What You Will Receive In This Course

Sally Stubbs has been a registered psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist for over 30 years. Her work is globally sought after. She has developed this Rapha™ Audio Therapy System to enable you to easily Enhance Your Happiness.

  • 15 Audio Tracks to Easily Change How You Think & How You Feel

  • Attain Contentment in Your Personal And Professional Life

  • Don't Spend Another Hour of Your Precious Life Feeling Scared, Fearful Miserable or Down and Drained!

  • Get My 4 ‘Golden Keys’ in this Programme so You Will Stop the Negative Predictions in Your Mind!

  • ‘Plan’ Your Happy Future Now and Enjoy Celebrating Your One Precious Life!

Are You An Optimist or a Pessimist?

"Optimists are people who are cheerful and happy, they are much healthier than pessimists, who are miserable, ‘down’, and feel dejected."

I am really happy to tell you that research shows that we can change our personality trait. Not only can we be happier & cheerful, we will, by being happier, have a healthier heart and immune system.

We can literally learn to be optimistic and happy. The first way to begin to learn to be happy is by changing our habituated thought patterns which are not supportive of our life.

Why are optimists healthier? Because they have clearer thought patterns and therefore develop much better coping strategies, no matter what is happening in life.


* Optimists do not feel the same sense of hopelessness that pessimists do.

* Pessimism increases the incidence and the progress of disease.

* Pessimists have uninhibited negative emotions which create toxins in the body, and this can lead to illness and disease.

Are any of these familiar?

Can you associate with any of these feelings?

  • I feel miserable all the time

  • I wish life could be different

  • I feel sad and lonely

  • My dark moods affect family and friends

Do you want to be Happy? You Can!

This course will teach you how to change yourself to the upbeat optimist you deserve to be!

  • You can change how you think & feel!

  • You can be optimistic!

  • You can be happy and show it!

  • You can enjoy an inner calm!

  • You can choose to be cheerful!

  • You can live your life contently!

Complete This Course To Regain The Life YOU Deserve To Have

My Promise To You

Complete this audio course for the full 40 days and I will offer a money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.
Buy This course

How your half an hour a day for 40 days works – successfully

Your course is meticulously based on the results of research on:

What do all successful people have in common?

Four things:

  • They know their GOAL.

  • They have deep MOTIVATION.

  • They have ‘90%’ BELIEF in themselves.

  • They take their minds into their FUTURE SUCCESS.

These are the FOUR STAGES that I will guide you through – to YOUR SUCCESS

  • Know your GOAL in every detail

  • Mobilise in depth your MOTIVATION

  • Resolve thoroughly your deepest inner mind blocking BELIEFS...

  • You will see, feel, hear yourself – in the coming days as the reality – you being SUCCESSFUL


Each section takes half an hour a day – for ten days.


Section One

Ten minutes each day to train your focus and concentration, so you ‘eat, sleep, dream, breathe’ YOUR GOAL. You will need your notebook and pen.

Twenty minutes each day to relax and listen comfortably to my first metaphorical meditation story – which will focus your conscious and unconscious mind concentration on YOUR GOAL.

Plus with each section there is for you a different optional twenty minute mind relaxation meditation. You choose if you want to learn lasting mind relaxation, reducing different stresses and tensions.


Section Two

Ten minutes each day on exploring the depth of your reasons and purposes to achieve YOUR GOAL. Your own unique reasons and purposes will mobilize the vast energy of YOUR MOTIVATION. You will need your notebook and pen.

Twenty minutes each day to relax and listen comfortably to my second metaphorical meditation story – which will focus your conscious and unconscious mind concentration on MOBILISING YOUR MOTIVATION. It will feel like you are MOTIVATED in ‘every molecule’ of your being.


Section Three

Ten minutes each day to thoroughly, in detail, resolve and deconstruct the old mind blocking beliefs – that have kept you ‘stuck’ – like you can feel you are going around in circles. You will need your notebook and pen. You will be replacing those old ‘blocking’ beliefs with the real – ‘I CAN’ ‘I WILL’ SELF BELIEF

Twenty minutes each day to relax and listen comfortably to my third metaphorical meditation story – which will focus your concentration on – I BELIEVE IN MY SELF. What joy!


Section Four

Ten minutes each day for these last ten days – YOU WILL MAKE YOUR SUCCESS REAL. I will be showing you how to work with your own unconscious resources – of your inner representational system – so your mind sees, feels, hears – YOUR SUCCESS.

Twenty minutes each day to relax and listen comfortably to my fourth metaphorical meditation story – which will focus your mind concentration on YOUR SUCCESS BEING REAL………

Take a Step To Happiness - Get this course now

I have included three additional meditation stories worth over $100

These additional meditation stories are included in your course

  • Find Your Inner Comfort

    $37 value

  • Control Your Certainties and Doubts

    $37 value

  • Connect With Your Smile

    $37 value

Listen to a Sample Of the Course

Click the image below to listen to an extract audio