How Hints To Happiness Works For You

This Small Course is Packed with Invaluable Treasure

Let Me Quickly Talk You Through Each One!

TRACK ONE: You will need about ten minutes a day to do the ‘mind exercises’

I will be teaching you how to take control of your thinking and how to happily drive your own motivations and beliefs – and think differently. Think happily. Think optimistically. No matter the stormy, difficult emotional ‘weather’ in your life – you will learn to ‘stand tall’ with more inner strength, inner certainly and self belief.

TRACK TWO: Ah – this is my wondrous story – You will need twenty minutes every day – to rest – rest in your mind – and explore the worlds of ‘Wonder’ – this is a very special relaxing meditation story called – YOU KNOW HOW TO WONDER. You will begin to restore WONDER into your life – even though tough things are happening – you will learn to rest and WONDER each day – restoring your inner strengths and optimism.

TRACK THREE: This is a metaphorical meditation story of mine – to enable your mind to feel soothed and tranquil. A mind soothing relaxation. It lasts about twenty minutes. Just rest and listen whenever you want or need.

I would say for you to begin to really notice the good and wonderful changes in how you are thinking and therefore in how you are believing and feeling within your self – listen to track one and two every day for around ten days. But actually I want to say - Ideally listen and work with the exercises and my meditation every day for forty days. To achieve Real deep mind changes can take us forty days. Twenty days to get rid of the old gloomy rigmarole way of thinking, believing and feeling. And twenty days to replace that ‘outworn’ gloomy stuff with the useful and beautiful.

Enjoy your journey with me

Complete These Three Amazing Tracks

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